Amazing. Pure Amazement
I love the F*ck out of this game, this is the 4th day I have played it and I still have not completed it. I'm up to " The Evil Dargon" and I'm on level 23... where's Dargon :P
Level 17 all - and zombie defence easy medium hard but not expert. :/ But Sadly, The bad thing with this game is those two enemies (Samaria and big wolf) That do way too much damage for their level... I mean like your versing a samurai and 2 Crabs... U kill the crabs and then samurai does 500 damage to all AND you die......... But yer now i got heaps of good armour and defence but still you would think samurai's would be around floor 20 + You know.... I mean i didn't know what a samurai would be like... So I battled him, I lasted 3 rounds....
Great game 10/10 Love it Keep it up!